
Apr 18, 2011

Mac and Cheese

For my first gluten free recipe I searched for quite a while. I passed so many recipes that I could have possibly made but they either didn't sound tasty, or seemed a bit overzealous. I settled on good ole Mac and Cheese, the recipe courtesy of Gluten Free Girl.

Mission Statement

Okay... so I've been married for six months and today I cooked a real meal for Charlie for the first time. Oops.

But that isn't the real problem. I don't know how to cook. Period. I can follow directions and that is it. I can't look in my fridge and cupboards and create a meal. I've never attempted anything. I have eaten a lot of pb&j's in my life to say the least.
It is time to get cookin!

I am easily dismayed.

To this point cooking has been intimidating and an insurmountable task. I realize now that I simply didn't have the necessary ingredients in my cupboard to make anything gluten free. No xanthum gum, tapioca flour, or millet. Today I grabbed a few different kinds of flours and a new kind of pasta a put an end to that. I may not have the entire array of GF flours, but my goal is to find a few that I actually like and then stock up on those.

I am sick of websites titled quick and easy.

I don't have cooking experience and so all of the fancy cooking techniques don't come easily to me. Just because, "you" who has been cooking for a family of four for ten years can whip it up in 30 minutes doesn't mean that I can. Serious. I am seeking fast. Fast for a newbie. Also, I don't want to suffer a coronary wondering if I am making it correctly. Quick and easy please.

I am a shop to cook kinda gal.

Charlie and I don't have many staples in our household yet, and due to our work schedule I'm not around him much to learn about his tastes. I know he really likes the Tostitos salsa con queso dip and thats about it. Because of this, when I go grocery shopping I buy things I think we will eat and then we never do. It is such a waste. So until I have this all figured out I am going to have to spend a lot of time at the store. Good thing its two minutes away.

I have the cupboards of a newlywed. Poorly stocked and incredibly small. Oh right... We're college students.

I have three shelves for food, and one lower cupboard for things like rice, potatoes and canned goods. I have salt, pepper, and a few spices to season. I am pretty limited and I don't have much room to expand so I am trying to keep it minimal. I'm not going to make dishes with ten different seasonings, ten different types of vegetables, or off the wall ingredients.

The idea is. Cheap. Simple. Fast.

This blog is ideal for GF newbies. If you just found out your are gluten free, or maybe you have a dinner guest that is gluten free and you need something simple, and something you have on hand. Help me learn! Feedback is critical!